1. Sale will be open to MV and Non MV sheep. MV sheep will be sold in the ring first then followed with Non MV sheep being sold from the pens.
2. All sheep must be registered with the official society “Dutch Spotted Sheep Society” at the time of entry. All entries to be accompanied by DSSS certificates. Classes will be available for: Aged Rams; Shearling Rams; Lamb Rams (Lamb class may be split depending on numbers) Aged Ewes; Shearling Ewes; Ewe Lambs (Lamb class may be split depending on numbers) BALLOT: No restrictions on entry numbers, however all sections will be balloted in runs of 4, with any second runs, at the end of each section. NO FEMALE GRADED SHEEP CAN BE SOLD AT THIS SALE.
3. All sheep will be subject to veterinary inspection before the sale, the decision of the inspector(s) will be final. Inspection shall include:
i) Teeth – To be assessed whereby any incisor teeth that are felt beyond the front of the pad, as demonstrated by catching on fingers when running from the pad downwards will be rejected.
ii) Testicles – Must be of even size, move freely and be free of abnormalities. Ram lambs aimed scrotal circumference is 28cm. Shearling Rams aimed scrotal circumference is 33cm. All subject to the vet’s discretion.
iii) Udder – Should be correct and free of abnormalities.
iv) Mobility – Sheep should be mobile and sound with no feet and/or leg structural issues.
4. Any rejected sheep will be marked with a yellow dot and are NOT permitted to be sold through the ring.
5. If any part of a combined Lot is rejected, i.e. ewe with lambs at foot, the whole Lot is rejected. Sheep rejected from the sale must be removed from the penning area and not further exhibited for sale.
6. All sheep must be tagged in accordance with the rules of Dutch Spotted Sheep Society and with the relevant DAERA regulations. The vendor shall be responsible for the correctness of identity.
7. All sheep will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and a commission of 5.25% will be charged by the Auctioneers on all sales.
8. A Society levy of 1% will be charged on all sheep sold.
9. The Upset price is set at 300 guineas.
10. Entry Fees – A fee of £18+VAT per head will be charged on all entries. Cheques to be made payable to Swatragh Livestock Market and must accompany the completed entry form. Alternatively, if you wish to pay by BACS, please find details on the front cover.
11. All sheep will be identified by neck number or paint marked as per catalogue and will be sold in number order. 12. Substitute entries must be notified no later than 7 days before the sale to the Society Secretary.
13. Substitutes are limited to 1 per vendor per class/section.
14. Substitutes should be marked with a red dot clearly marked on the shoulder.
15. Females which have been flushed, with or without, embryos being recovered before the sale must be declared in the catalogue and announced at the time of the sale. Failure to do so will result in the purchaser having the right to return the sheep – costs may occur. Vendors Warranty – The vendor warrants that the sheep being sold as “having been flushed” are sold under the knowledge that there are no medical or physical reasons(s) why the sheep should not naturally get in lamb. Purchasers Rights – If the purchaser proves a breach of warranty, then a claim must be supported by a veterinary surgeon’s report.
16. Any rams which have had semen retained, must be declared in the catalogue and announced at the time of the sale.
17. Pre-sale show – White coats to be worn.
18. Pre-sale show – Vendors are limited to 2 entries per class/section.